
Ollie’s First Birthday

Wow! I realize this post is unbelievably late, but after a week of celebrating Christmas, Ollie’s first birthday, and the New Year…we were exhausted!

Before I get started with the details of this fabulous birthday, please indulge a few shout outs to the amazing people who helped make this party happen.

  1. CJ – Thank you for allowing me to go completely over the top and not letting my party planning stress get to you.
  2. Clancy – Thank you for letting bounce ideas off of you, and most importantly – for the 4 amazing and delicious cakes you created for the party.
  3. Kaitlynn – Thank you for all of your help with Ollie, from taking pictures to helping her change outfits to making sure that we had an extra set of eyes on the munchkin at all times.

And, of course, thank you to everyone who wished Ollie a “Happy Birthday”  and who helped with anything birthday related. You all are amazing and we are blessed to have you in our lives.

An especially big thank you to those who traveled long distances and in not fantastic weather to be at our wonderful girl’s very first birthday celebration. Ollie is blessed to have family who will do absolutely anything for her.

We decided a while ago to keep Ollie’s actual birthday parties for family, as her birthday is so close to two major holidays. Our thoughts are to possibly host half birthdays in the summertime for more people. Plus…its another excuse for a super fun celebration. Can’t wait until June!

Actual Birthday – December 28th

The three of us went to get birthday donuts in Jones. It was simple and absolutely lovely. Ollie wore donut pajamas and a puff ball hat and was a hit at the donut shop. She LOVED her first donut and we plan to make birthday donuts an annual tradition.

Now on to the party details…

Birthday Party – December 30th

If You Give Ollie a Birthday Cake…

The theme of the party was centered around children’s literature and we made sure every detail reflected this wonderful theme.

Starting with invitations. The front was designed to resemble a book cover of a very popular series and the back was made to look like the inside of a library book.

To view more of the Ollie story…visit her birthday website.

Decorations and Food. The decorations and food for the party all related to literature.

Each food for the party corresponded with a book. This was enjoyable to put together, but did prove challenging at times. Realizing that you can pretty much find a book for anything, I kept strict rules for myself when selecting food. The books should be at least somewhat recognizable and not appear to be a stretch just to sneak in a certain food.

Surprisingly everything was kept very simple, but still turned out nicely.

We also had 4 amazing cakes baked and exquisitely decorated by Ollie’s GREAT Aunt Clancy. She is incredible.

Cake design and flavors: 

“If You Give A Mouse a Cookie” Cake:  Chocolate with Cookie Dough Filling

“Olivia the Pig” Cake:  Vanilla

Cookie Crumble Smash Cake:  Vanilla

Dr. Seuss Cake:  Pistachio

Cake Smash. Ollie loved her cake. LOVED it. Thanks to my sister for taking such wonderful photos and allowing me to just enjoy this first experience.

The rest of the pictures. Again a huge thank you to my sister for the photos.

The party was a huge success and we want to thank everyone who came to the party to celebrate the wonderful little girl who has showered our life with laughter and joy. We are blessed with such an incredible support system.

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